Feliz Navidad,

María se re-imagino un mundo donde los soberbios, los poderosos serían dispersados y derribados por el nacimiento de Jesús. Su canto, el magnificat, expresa el sentir de la paradoja de lo no imaginado, lo “débil” vence a lo más “fuerte”.

¿Quién se imaginaría? que la esperanza estaría alimentada e inspirada, desde la misericordia en el nacimiento de Jesús.(Lucas 1:46-55). En Guna Yala, se escucha cada vez que nace un bebé el cantar de una mamá, quien eleva su deseo a Baba y Nana (creador), que el o la bebé que lleva en brazos y mece en la hamaca sea semilla de esperanza para la humanidad. Como María, las mamás Gunadule, Ngäbe, Emberá, Buglé, Bribri, Wounaan, Naso, Nasa, Misak, Guaraní, Aymara, K’achiquel, Wiwa…Nos recuerdan, que cada vez que nace un bebé en Abya Yala, nace también la esperanza de Jesús.


Mary reimagined a world where the arrogant and the powerful would be dispersed and cut down by the birth of Jesus. Her song, the Magnificat, expresses the feeling of the paradox of that which had not been imagined: the “weak” defeats the “strong”.


Who would have imagined? That hope would be inspired and fed by the mercy of the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:46-55). In Guna Yala, every time a baby is born you hear the song of a mother who lifts up her desire to Baba and Nana (Creator) that the baby that she carries in her arms and rocks in the hammock would be a seed of hope for humanity. Like Mary, Gunadule, Ngäbe, Emberá, Buglé, Bribri, Wounaan, Naso, Nasa, Misak, Guaraní, Aymara, K’achiquel, Wiwa, and other mothers remind us that every time a child is born in Abya Yala the hope of Jesus is also born.


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If you desire to join our team by giving to the work that God is doing through Memoria Indígena and United World Mission, please click on the Donate button. And if you would like more information on the work in community that we do through Memoria Indígena you can write to jocabed@memoriaindigena.org


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